Wege der Kunst
At the museum and on stage
At this year’s festival, the Museum Rietberg and the Theater Spektakel meet for the first time to explore similarities and differences in a workshop. The two Zurich institutions invite you to discover the specific contexts of the production and presentation of artistic works. An exclusive guided tour through the exhibition «Wege der Kunst» by museum director Annette Bhagwati is followed by a short theoretical input on the Landiwiese, which takes up the exhibition and links it to the festival. The workshop concludes with the joint attendance of the dance piece «Encantado» by Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças. (zts)
Simple words
The Museum Rietberg shows the exhibition «Wege der Kunst». Together with Annette Bhagwati, the museum director, you can visit this exhibition. Afterwards, the participants go to the Theater Spektakel and watch the dance piece «Encantado» by Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças.
Artistic direction and cast
Foto | Museum Rietberg |
Museum Rietberg
Guided Tour, Talk, Dance
4:30 hrs. (incl. performance of «Encantado» by Lia Rodrigues)
An inclusive event
From 18 August to 4 September, a ticket of the Zürcher Theater Spektakel entitles you to a reduced admission (Fr. 10.–) to all exhibitions at the Museum Rietberg, including the current exhibition «Wege der Kunst – Wie die Objekte ins Museum kommen».