The festival boat departs from Bürkliplatz, jetty 4, taking the following course: Bürkliplatz, Landiwiese, Tiefenbrunnen, Bürkliplatz.
Last departure: At 00.25 from Landiwiese to Tiefenbrunnen only.
No transport of bicycles and buggies.
Please note that the timetable is not coordinated with the starting times of the festival performances.
Departure from Bürkliplatz
14.05* 15.05* 16.05* 17.05 18.05 19.05 20.05 21.05 22.05 23.05 00.05**
Departure from Landiwiese
14.25* 15.25* 16.25* 17.25 18.25 19.25 20.25 21.25 22.25 23.25 00.25**
Departure from Tiefenbrunnen
14.40* 15.40* 16.40* 17.40 18.40 19.40 20.40 21.40 22.40 23.40
* Saturday and Sunday only
** Friday and Saturday only
Passengers in possession of the following documents travel free of charge: ZKB client card, CARTE BLANCHE of Tages-Anzeiger, a ticket for the Theater Spektakel valid on the day of travelling.
For all other passengers the trip is 2 Swiss Francs.
Children under 6 travel free of charge.
Please note: ZVV tickets are not valid
Barrier-free travel
Please reserve a helping hand latest 24 hrs before departure on phone 044 487 13 34.
An offer of Zürcher Kantonalbank and Tages-Anzeiger, supported by Zürichsee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft.