ZHdK Master Kulturpublizistik


Since 2020, the project «Hochsitz» has been present as an observation post of the online magazine «zollfreilager.net» during the festival. The high chair will be positioned at different venues in order to observe the events with a critical eye. This year, various illustrators will take a seat and interpret the productions and the hustle and bustle on the Landiwiese through their artistry. The results of their graphical performances will be published in the special edition 2022 of «zollfreilager.net». (zts)

Simple words

The students of the art school make a magazine on the Theater Spektakel. It is called Zollfreilager. For the magazine the students visit the festival. For this, they have a high chair. From up there, they can watch the people and the festival.

Artistic direction and cast

MitStudierenden und Dozierenden des ZHdK-Masterstudiengangs Kulturpublizistik
ProduktionsleitungGianna Rovere
FotoGianna Rovere

Observation and Intervention
